Last Updated: November 19, 2022


Communicating and having work done is a two way street and we expect you to be proactive.
The duration of each project will be discussed at the commencement once the topic is decided. If you are unavailable or have prior commitments at the time, please do inform us at the beginning of the project.*

Each author must contribute to the whole project. We believe one learns only by practice. After a few projects, we believe each one of your must be capable of good writing.**

We will teach you on a regular basis and you can always contact us when needed. We are available through our emails or our Whatsapp numbers which will be shared with you when you join.

We require each candidate to be active in the project. Lack of interest or inactivity without reason will not be tolerated. In such an event, you shall be removed from the project and lose right to authorship.

* The duration of original studies will start once ethics is obtained. This will be more convenient for people who apply in groups.

** The applicants are assumed to have basic knowledge in English grammar and are able to write correctly.

Original studies (observational studies) will be done if the applicant has an institutional affiliation with an Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) and/or Institutional Review Board (IRB). We will walk you through each step and prepare you for this.***

The authorship order shall be decided in each paper as we begin to write. The more you contribute, the better your position in authorship order.

If you apply as a group, it will be your responsibility to share the details of all candidates (having obtained their consent) so we can add them to the team.

While we will teach you for free, if there is any cost involved in the publication process it shall be borne by all the mentees equitably.

It shall be your duty to be appraised with the latest requirements irrespective of when you applied.

All articles will be written in the English language.

*** The mentors will also attempt to obtain data. Obtaining ethics may take time.